Introducing my last Patreon-funded digital sketchbook! It includes a variety of artwork from January-March 2017, some in-progress projects, commission and freelance work, and more!

26 pages, featuring ink works over the course of the month!

Please donate what you feel is appropriate - starting at $1!

★ Or! ★

Consider being an active participant at my Patreon, and receive the monthly wallpapers as a perk!

Scratches and Scribbles Spring 2017

This item is donationware. Please pay what you'd like for this item. It's a great way to support the creators of nemu*nemu and you get something very cool in return.

If you don't feel like paying or are thinking about paying less that $1 (Paypal will take most of it in fees), please just download the wallpapers at the link listed in the item description.

Thank you for supporting nemu*nemu!

Anpan Says STOP!

PLEASE NOTE: Only digital items can be added to your cart while in the Nemu*Digital section. If you have items in your cart from the Nemu*Shop, you must return there to purchase them.

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  • SS2017-01-500px.png

Got an action shot of this item? or post them in the Nemu Around the World group on Flickr.